Saturday, 21 December 2024

More about Alg and Cyril

A post-script to my 2018 post about Chatteris men serving and dying in the First World War. Today I have been sorting photos on my PC, and noticed something for the first time.

On a visit back to Chatteris some years ago, I took photos of the named foundation stones in the street wall of what was the Chatteris Wesleyan Methodist Schoolroom.

It's now a private residence but was central to the lives of three generations of Grahams. I have known from childhood that my grandfather Alg was one of those for whom a stone was laid,

along with several other contemporaries who I also knew as senior members of the congregation, Sunday School teachers, etc.

Rosie Sharp, for one, who taught me in infant school, and later taught me in Sunday School, and tutored me for 'the Scripture Exam'.

And today, I noticed for the first time that a few along from Grandpa's stone is one for C.T. Lovell.

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