Saturday, 9 June 2018

The web widens.....

The other link to Miss Freeman is through the late Rev. Peter Collingwood. 
Peter was a son of the well-known March family. 
He, like me, though long before me, went to March Grammar School and then read English at Cambridge. 
When Nina and I went in 1970 to teach at Thekwane School, in what was then still UDI Rhodesia, he was our Headmaster. 
He and I remained in annual touch to the end of his life. When he retired from Africa, he served as a Methodist circuit minister, including a term at Portland - where he found Gertrude Freeman as one of his flock, and each year he would mention her in his Christmas letter to me.He must have been aware of some link to have ever mentioned her, though I don't now recall what that link was. 

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