Sunday, 4 July 2010

The State We're In

It becomes harder to maintain and trust your own sanity, when the world seems to be going mad before your eyes. If cause and effect seem to be faltering; if swivel-eyed ideology seems suddenly to be mere noon-time sense to most of your fellow-citizens; if pity and humankindness seem to have no shadow of influence in the seats of power - what then can you hold on to ?

Thus I am currently finding it hard to escape the shadow of what seems to be to come, in the form of the revolution currently being primed by the Con-Dem government. Does no-one else feel the same ? Why are we not already plotting our resistance and defiance ? And by what right are they doing it, anyway ?

And it keeps getting worse - today, July 4th 2010, The Observer reports that last Tuesday the Cabinet were briefed to prepare for cuts, not on the already horrendous scale already announced, but at the rate of 40% in some government departments.

I do not believe that until Dave and Nick said 'I will', all was well with the UK. Heaven knows change is needed. But change with heart at its heart, change by increments that do not mean that collateral damage will inevitably outweigh progress - and all of that damage, remember, the wreckage of individual lives and the lives of families.

These several blogs ( 3 others on this day), (technically 'preceding', but scroll-wise 'following') each expressing slightly different perspectives on the one central subject, are bits of my response. Probably few other people will ever read them and their effect will be nil. But at least I have struggled to articulate them, and now I cast my bread upon the waters.

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